Aerial Documentation, Reality Capture & Creative Media Services

We offer a variety of drone services to best fit your project's needs. Aerial documentation in the form of drone photos and video is available to provide a time-stamped, digital catalog of your project's lifespan. For project's requiring more sophisticated documentation, we offer Orthomosaics which enable you to have a 2D map of your site. Interactive 3D Models are also available which enable you to freely fly through your project from the comfort of your office.

We service smaller projects such as interior construction builds with photography, videography and 3D Modeling. Lastly, creative services are available to showcase your work to attract attention, bolster your portfolio and win more bids.

Our models should not be used for real-world measurements.

Start Soaring With Us

Contact Firebird Drones today for a consultation and get a proposal in days.


Commercial Construction

Residential Construction

Small Commerical Construction

Creative Video

Marine Construction

Service Gallery


Reality Capture Services

Interactive 3D Models

Orthomosaic (2D Map)